2022 National Ramah Spring Leadership Training Conference

The 2022 National Ramah Spring Leadership Training Conference --also known as Winer-- brought together 35 Ramah tzevet (staff) participants and faculty from May 31 - June 2 at Ramah Darom in Clayton, GA. The three-day conference featured the Louis and Shoshanah Winer Institute for Rosh Edah Training, our signature training program for first-time and veteran (vatik) rashei edah. In addition, at this year’s Winer Institute, we welcomed four participants to join our inaugural vocational training track, which brought together staff members with disabilities. Representing three Ramah overnight camps, this cohort came together to network and participate in meaningful skill development, social, and religious programming. This long-awaited in-person experience built upon many years of virtual programming to engage Ramah Tikvah alumni, including TikvahNet and a virtual Weinstein training track.
Rosh edah participants appreciated the opportunity to gain intensive training preparing them for their roles as leaders, educators, supervisors, and care providers. Sessions included “big picture” sessions on being a Jewish educator and balancing your role as a mentor and colleague, as well as practical, detail-oriented sessions on leading an effective meeting and planning a successful Shavua Hachana (staff training week). Participants particularly appreciated their time with National Ramah Director Amy Skopp Cooper, devoted to serious topics of safe and healthy community-building. These meaningful conversations focused on being an upstander to preserve a culture of consent, and on actively prioritizing inclusion across a diverse spectrum of identities.
Like the track for rosh edah training, those in the vocational training track came to Winer with a desire to grow their job-related skills before camp, connect with other Ramahniks, and set personal and professional goals for this summer. Vocational training participants ranged from experienced staff to first-time staff at their home Ramah camps. Session topics included goal-setting, managing downtime, self-advocacy and social success, caring for physical, mental, and spiritual health, and healthy relationships and consent at camp and beyond. In addition to formal teaching opportunities, this track provided informal mentorship opportunities for participants. For example, a participant who is employed at his dream job provided advice to other participants looking to begin their careers. Participants also turned to each other for advice on navigating social and professional interactions at camp.
In addition to track-specific programs, a highlight of the conference was the opportunities we had to come together as a kehillah. Highlights included rashei edah and vocational track participants sharing meals, singing during energetic morning tefilot, and each taking turns sharing their “Ramah stories” in front of the entire group. Participants also had the opportunity to learn from one another during a series of round robin sessions, where they shared their best practices in small groups and modeled ways to structure moments of gratitude, appreciation, bonding, team-building, and stam kef (having fun as an end in itself).
Our Winer Institute this year was particularly meaningful as it was our first in-person staff training hosted at a Ramah camp in two and a half years. All of our participants brought their ruach, their good nature, and their love for Ramah into our time together, and left prepared to provide another incredible summer experience for our Ramah chanichim (campers).
- Jared Skoff, National Ramah Program Director, and Maya Albin, National Ramah TikvahNet Coordinator
Reflections from Winer Participants
“It was so helpful to have a focused time to understand a little more about this great responsibility.” - Mala Hod, Rosh Edah, Ramah Day Camp of Greater Washington DC
“Winer was such a positive experience to connect with other rashei edah across the movement. This week really helped me transition into camp mode and get me excited for the kayitz!” - Talia Feldman, Rosh Edah, Camp Ramah in the Berkshires
“I am going into this kayitz feeling prepared, supported, and extremely excited!” - Maya Klareich, Rosh Edah, Camp Ramah in California
“It was great to visit a different Ramah camp. One of my takeaways was the session on planning for down time and days off.” - Sharon Nerenberg, Staff Member, Vocational Track Participant, Camp Ramah in New England