Maslul Yisrael Fellowship - Week of Learning, May 2022
We are thrilled to welcome to Jerusalem 18 Maslul Yisrael Fellows who are working at nine different Ramah camps this summer. Our week of learning at the Shalom Hartman Institute מכון שלום הרטמן is off to a great start, getting us thinking about the Israel we imagine and the Israel education we imagine bringing with us to camp. Read more below.
Profiles of the fellows appear here.

Tuesday, May 24
After a morning of learning in Hartman’s beautiful space, we took a walking tour in Jerusalem, which brought us to the oldest Jewish neighborhood outside of the Old City and prompted us to think about from when we start telling the story of Zion. We ended the evening with a fabulous cooking workshop with chef Nissimmi Naim Naor. We made homemade lasagna, focaccia bread, many salatim, roasted vegetables, and a mascarpone fruit tart for dessert. We enjoyed learning about some of the meanings of Jewish food and hospitality while preparing and eating our meal. We look forward to another great day in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv tomorrow.
Martha Lieberman, Ramah in the Rockies: “I think participating in sample Israel-related peulot (activities) was really helpful because it got me thinking about what kinds of Israel education we want to do at camp. I have my own ideas, but it was nice to hear what other people were thinking.”
Ben Levin, Ramah Day Camp In Nyack: “I’ve loved learning more about Israel lamala (heavenly) and lemata (grounded) and being able to discuss so many new things with so many people. I’m looking forward to discovering Israel for myself on this trip.”
Wednesday, May 25 - Friday, May 27
On Maslul Yisrael, we are not just staying inside to learn in the Shalom Hartman Institute מכון שלום הרטמן’s beautiful space. We are also experiencing Israel outside Hartman’s gates, through tiyulim around Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
On Wednesday in Tel Aviv, we visited Neve Schechter, a Masorti synagogue and contemporary center for Jewish culture in the heart of South Tel Aviv, and then met with some of the shlichim and shlichot coming as staff at camp this summer. We talked about what was bringing us to camp and about some of the challenges and opportunities when Israeli and North American staff work together.
Yesterday in Jerusalem, we took a geopolitics tour through the eastern parts of the city. We visited the Gilo neighborhood for a view into Bethlehem, drove to see the large checkpoint near Kever Rachel between Bethlehem and East Jerusalem, and visited Sheikh Jarrah to hear from two Palestinian residents.
Tonight we will have Kabbalat Shabbat at the Egalitarian Kotel with our partners at NOAM Olami and Ramah Israel. We’re especially excited for Maslul Yisrael fellows to meet Noam participants who will be campers at some of the Ramah camps this summer. Shabbat Shalom!
Shabbat, May 28 - Monday, May 30
Shabbat in Jerusalem for the Maslul Yisrael Fellows was spirited, restful, and infused with the traditions of several Ramah camps. We participated in an energetic Kabbalat Shabbat at the egalitarian Kotel with our partners from Noam. Some fellows even met a few of their campers for this summer! As we concluded Shabbat by singing some of our favorite Seudat Shilishit zmirot at HaMesilah Park, several Israeli passersby stopped to join us in song and for havdalah.
We visited ANU: The Museum of the Jewish People on Sunday. We saw creative, tech-forward displays on the diversity of Jewish life around the world, including some familiar faces and places. Photos of Camp Ramah are on display in the section about Conservative Judaism!
Our closing sessions with the Shalom Hartman Institute מכון שלום הרטמן provided helpful tools for defining our communities and navigating disagreement within them. Sam Bernstein from Ramah Darom shared, “The sessions with Hartman made me love the combination of learning Torah and learning about Israel. I used to think they were polar opposites. I’m excited to teach Torah and teach Israel together wrapped in one to my campers this summer.”
Dani Amster, from Ramah Day Camp In Nyack, reflected on meeting fellows from across the Ramah Camping Movement: “I loved gaining insight on similarities and differences among different Ramah camps. Though we only spent a week together, I know that I’m going to keep in touch over the kayitz and beyond.” As the fellows engaged in Hevruta learning and deep conversations, they forged strong bonds and created a Kehillah of young Ramah leaders.
While the Maslul Yisrael trip may now be over, the work of thoughtful Israel education at camp this summer is only just beginning. We wish our Maslul Yisrael fellows הצלחה (success) as they bring what they’ve learned this past week with them to camp.